29 de junio de 2013
How to Repair Your Credit -
If you're struggling with debt, here are few steps you can take to repair or rebuild your credit on your own before accepting one of the many "debt consolidation" offers or resorting to bankruptcy.
Using a Budget
- Create a budget. Following a budget seems to scare many people, perhaps out of fear of complexity or a fear that a budget curtails spontaneous spending. Budgets are neither hard nor constricting; in fact, a well-laid out and consistently followed budget can give you both peace of mind and freedom to spend more eventually. All you need to do is to get started. There are many free budget tools available online, in software packages and through apps. The simpler the tool, the better for you and the increased likelihood you'll stick with it.
- Calculate your income and your expenditures. The best way to figure your expenses is to track your spending for 30 days. Find out how much money is going to leisure activities and going out to eat. Then figure out how much money you can set aside each month to whittle down your debt.
Knowing How Your Credit Stands
- Be aware of what's in your credit report. In the United states, by federal law, you can get one copy of your credit report from each credit agency, (Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union), each year. You can get all three at once, or spread them out through the year.
- Go to the AnnualCreditReport.com website at http://www.annualcreditreport.com. The "free" offers on the web automatically enroll you in a monthly or annual program that costs money, and it's quite a lot for someone who is already in financial trouble.
- Review the credit reports for accuracy. It's tough enough paying for your own mistakes; you don't need to be penalized for someone else's. (See Tips, below.)
- You can also quickly see the two biggest red flags creditors, (and employers, and insurance underwriters, and ...), look for: late or missed payments, (especially recent ones), and maxed-out credit lines.
Sorting Out Repayments with Creditors
- Contact your creditors. Preferably, do this quickly, not after months of harassing calls. It is best done as soon as you realize you won't be able to make the requested payments. Most creditors are not as cut-throat as you think, and they will work with you to schedule smaller payments that fit your budget. After all, they'd much rather receive $20 payments for the next year than risk getting nothing in bankruptcy court.
- This is where having a written budget can really pay off. Tell the creditor that you've worked out a budget, can afford to pay them $X per month or weekly, and offer to send them a copy of your budget. They're much more likely to accept your offer of lower payments if you can show good faith.
- Get any agreement in writing. If you are able to negotiate lower payments, interest rates, or balance payoffs, request they send a letter confirming it. Having it in writing is your defense against changing minds, lost records, new management being more aggressive, or any number of other things.
- Once you pay off your debt, make sure you get a settlement letter. Send a copy of it to the credit bureaus so they can update your credit report.
Removing Temptation and Consolidating
- Cut up the cards. Even if you do nothing else, stop charging, and keep paying at least the minimum on everything. Eventually, you will get them all paid off. Keep one card available, but difficult to use, (for example, put it in a bowl of water in the freezer), for those times when you have to have a credit card.
- Consolidate where it makes sense to do so. Consider transferring your largest credit card balance (if you have more than one) to a low or zero interest loan until your debts have all been paid off. Avoid consolidating if it means paying a higher rate overall though; do your sums first.
- Keep some credit accounts open. Close no more than one or two every six months or so. A sudden burst of activity of any kind reflects poorly on your financial stability. When deciding which accounts to keep open, keep at least the one or two oldest accounts because the third-biggest factor in your credit score is length of credit history.
- Having five accounts with zero balance on four and $500 on one lowers your credit risk, as opposed to two accounts with a $250 balance each.
Paying Off Your Debts
- Pay off your debts. Total debt outstanding constitutes nearly one third of your credit score, so it's time to get your rating restored. Once you've decided how much you can pay against your debts, and negotiated any lowered payments, you must allocate that portion of your budget to each creditor.
- Pay the minimum (or agreed amount) to each and every creditor, every month, on time.
- Then pay any extra against the lowest outstanding balance.
- Each time you pay off your lowest balance, celebrate (cheaply!), then "snowball" your payments onto the lowest remaining balance.
Other Ways to Repair Credit
- Get a secured credit card, if you don't have a traditional one, and need to build up your history. You're unlikely to be turned down for one because you supply the money up front as a collateral. If you deposit $300 with the bank, you'll have $300 credit limit on your secured card. Beware of the high interest rate and various fees often associated with a secured card. Pay in full, on time, every month to avoid most of those fees.
- Join a credit union. They're more likely to give you loans in the future than a regular bank.
- Make all payments on time. Don't arrange a lowered settlement amount you can't pay. It will only reflect badly on your credit. Payment history is the number one factor in your credit score -- over one third of your score.
- Avoid bankruptcy if at all possible. Bankruptcy shows up on your credit for 10 years after it has been declared. Don't take the easy way out now, as you'll pay for it later. It takes a lot more hard work and dedication to rebuild your credit than it does to declare bankruptcy, but you'll be glad you did.
- Add good credit accounts to your credit files. When you add good credit tradeline accounts to your credit profiles, you increase your credit score. If you add good credit accounts and have even one bad credit account deleted from your credit reports, your credit score could increase by as much as 80 points with just these two actions.
Tips- You can get negative items removed from your credit report if they are inaccurate or incomplete. Write to the credit bureaus and tell them that the items are inaccurate or incomplete and you want them removed. When you dispute a debt the credit report agency has 30 days to receive a response from the creditor to validate the debt. If after 30 days they do not receive a response the Credit reporting agency by law will remove the entry from your report. Remember there are three agencies, so you have to write to all three.
- You want to show that you are responsible with high balances, so you'll want to have high credit limits but a low balance. It actually helps to have a high balance that you've paid off.
- Your credit report is your guideline. Each account on your credit report has a rating. A sample credit report will be provided to assist you with reading your report. The rating may change depending on the agency. A letter followed by a number indicates the type of account and the rating. If you have an account that is rated as an I1 that is an individual account that is paid on time. If you have an account that has a J1, that is a joint account. An I5 could mean trouble. Highlight everything that isn't a 1 and everything that is turned over to collections. Make a list on your computer from the lowest amount to the highest. Start with the lowest amount and either pay the debt or dispute it.
- Many companies report things in error. Maybe your name is spelled the same way as someone else’s or perhaps they didn’t list a payment that was made. The point is errors happen and credit companies must respond within 30 days if you challenge an entry that was made if you think there’s an error.
- Get a loan from your credit union or banking establishment, then immediately (that day) turn around and open up a savings account. Make payments on the loan from the savings account. Do not use the money for anything else! This will help improve your credit as you pay off the loan. Be advised, however, that the interest you pay on the loan will typically be larger than the interest earned on the savings account. Thus, toward the end of the loan, you will empty the savings account and still owe something. But if you can cover the difference, your credit score should be better as a result.
- That software doesn’t care if you pay your bill daily, weekly, bi-monthly or whatever – as long as the correct amount of money is sitting on your account by the due date. This is where computers can be fooled into thinking you’re much better with your credit by doing some simple things.
- Divide your monthly payment into a weekly payment (or fortnightly)
- Make your repayments more frequently (like weekly or fortnightly)
- Round your new repayment amount up to the nearest $5
- By doing these little things, the computer instantly recognizes that you’re paying more than you need to and you’re paying more frequently than required. This can improve your credit score and have the added benefit of making it harder for you to fall behind with payments in future.
How to Cite a PDF -
Citing a PDF is as simple as citing any other electronic source, the only exception being that you must indicate the fact that the source was a PDF. In general, PDF files are eBooks or online journal articles. In order to cite the PDF properly, you need to know how to cite eBooks or digital journal articles according to the style method you are using.
Section 1: PDF eBook in MLA[1]
- Type the author's name. The name of the author should be in last-name, first-name format, followed by a period.
- Smith, John.
- Write the title of the book. The title of the book must be italicized. Place a period at the end.
- Smith, John. The Fantastic Novel.
- Indicate the original place of publication, the publisher, and the year. The place of publication should be the city and state, unless the city is overseas or well known. A colon should separate the location from the publisher, and a comma should separate the publisher and the year of publication.
- Smith, John. The Fantastic Novel. London: Great Publishing House, 2010.
- Include the electronic publication information if it differs from the original information. The electronic information includes the title of the website the eBook can be found on, which should be italicized, and the date of publication on the website.
- Smith, John. The Fantastic Novel. London: Great Publishing House, 2010. Google Books, 2011.
- Signify that the book is a PDF file. The medium of publication is always specified in MLA format. Here, “PDF” or “PDF file” can be used to specify the medium.
- Smith, John. The Fantastic Novel. London: Great Publishing House, 2010. Google Books, 2011. PDF.
- Specify the date accessed. The date accessed should include the day, month, and year. It should be the date you first accessed the material on.
- Smith, John. The Fantastic Novel. London: Great Publishing House, 2010. Google Books, 2011. PDF. 1 December 2012.
Section 2: PDF Article in MLA[2]
- List the author's name. The name should be formatted in last-name, first-name form and followed by a period.
- Doe, Jane.
- Give the name of the article. The name of the article should be in quotation marks and followed by a period.
- Doe, Jane. “Interesting Citation Article.”
- Include the name of the digital publication. The publication could be an online journal or eBook, but it may also be the name of a website. Simply put, it is whatever website or digital source you got the article from. The name should also be italicized.
- Doe, Jane. “Interesting Citation Article.” Online Journal of Citation Information.
- Write the issue number, if applicable. If you pulled the PDF from a digital journal, the journal will likely have an issue number. The volume is indicated first, followed by a period, which is immediately followed by the issue number.
- Doe, Jane. “Interesting Citation Article.” Online Journal of Citation Information. 4.7
- Follow with the publisher information. This includes the name of the publisher and the year of publication. Note that the publisher name is excluded if the article is pulled from an online journal with an issue number, but the year is still included.
- Doe, Jane. “Interesting Citation Article.” Online Journal of Citation Information. 4.7 (2006):
- Note page numbers, if available. The range of pages on which the article is printed should be included if the PDF was pulled from a larger, numbered publication.
- Doe, Jane. “Interesting Citation Article.” Online Journal of Citation Information. 4.7 (2006): 82-5.
- Indicate that the article is a PDF file. You can use the term “PDF file” or simple “PDF.”
- Doe, Jane. “Interesting Citation Article.” Online Journal of Citation Information. 4.7 (2006): 82-5. PDF.
- List the date the article was accessed. The date should include the day, month, and year.
- Doe, Jane. “Interesting Citation Article.” Online Journal of Citation Information. 4.7 (2006): 82-5. PDF. 20 November 2012.
Section 3: PDF eBook in APA[3]
- Type the author's name and the date of publication. The name of the author should include the author’s last name and first initial or first and middle initial. The date of publication only needs to include the year, and it should be enclosed in parentheses.
- Smith, J. (2010).
- Write the title of the book. The title of the book should be italicized. Only the first letter of the first word needs to be capitalized.
- Smith, J. (2011). The fantastic novel
- Indicate that the eBook is a PDF file. Enclose the words “PDF file” in brackets directly after the title. Follow the closing bracket with a period.
- Smith, J. (2011). The fantastic novel [PDF file].
- Note the URL from which the eBook is available or retrieved. If the eBook is available in print but you were unable to access it in print form, indicate it by using the phrase “Available from.” If the eBook is only available online, indicate it by using the phrase, “Retrieved from.”
- Smith, J. (2011). The fantastic novel [PDF file]. Available from http://www.books.google.com
Section 4: PDF Article in APA
- Specify the name of the author and date of publication. The author’s last name and first initial should be given. The year of publication should follow the name in parentheses.
- Doe, J. (2006).
- Write the title of the article. The title of the article should not be in quotation marks and should not be italicized. Only the first letter of the first word needs to be capitalized.
- Doe, J. (2006). Interesting citation article
- Note that the article is a PDF file. Include the words “PDF file” in brackets immediately after the title of the article. Follow it with a period.
- Doe, J. (2006). Interesting citation article [PDF file].
- Write the title of the journal or publication along with the volume and page range. Each piece of information should be separated by commas, and the title of the journal and the volume information should be italicized. The issue number should be included after the volume number in parentheses. The page range must be followed by a period.
- Doe, J. (2006). Interesting citation article [PDF file]. Online Journal of Citation Information, 4(7), 82-5.
- Indicate where the article was retrieved or available from. If the article can only be accessed online and in PDF form, use “Retrieved from.” If it can also be accessed in print, use “Available from.”
- Doe, J. (2006). Interesting citation article [PDF file]. Online Journal of Citation Information, 4(7), 82-5. Retrieved from http://www.random-example-URL.com
Section 5: PDF eBook in Chicago Style[4]
- Specify the name of the author. The name should be in last-name, first-name format and directly followed by a period.
- Smith, John.
- Write the name of the eBook. The title should be italicized and also followed by a period.
- Smith, John. The Fantastic Novel.
- Note that the eBook is a PDF file. After the title of the eBook, indicate that the eBook is a PDF by writing the words “PDF file,” followed by a period.[5]
- Smith, John. The Fantastic Novel. PDF file.
- Follow with the publishing information. The publishing information should include the city where the book was originally published in print, if available, as well as the name of the original publisher, if available. These two pieces of information should be separated with a colon. After the publisher name, type a comma and the publishing year.
- Smith, John. The Fantastic Novel. PDF file. London: Great Publishing House, 2010.
- Include the date accessed and the URL.
- Smith, John. The Fantastic Novel. PDF file. London: Great Publishing House, 2010. Accessed December 1, 2012, http://www.books.google.com.
Section 6: PDF Article in Chicago Style
- Use the author's name. The name of the author should include full names, rather than initials, and should be in standard last-name, first-name form.
- Doe, Jane.
- Write the name of the article. The name of the article must be enclosed in parentheses, and the first letter of each word should be capitalized.
- Doe, Jane. "Interesting Citation Article.”
- Specify that the article is a PDF file. Immediately after the title, type “PDF file” followed by a period to indicate that the article is in PDF form.
- Doe, Jane. "Interesting Citation Article.” PDF file.
- Note the name and publishing information of the journal or publication. The title of the journal or source should be italicized, followed immediately by a non-italicized volume number. Type a comma after the volume number and introduce the issue number with the abbreviation “no.” The year of publication and page numbers the article appears on should also be included, with the year in parenthesis and the page range separated by a colon.
- Doe, Jane. "Interesting Citation Article.” PDF file. Online Journal of Citation Information 4, no. 7 (2006): 82-5.
- Include the date accessed. Introduce the accessed page by typing the word “Accessed” after the page range.
- Doe, Jane. "Interesting Citation Article.” PDF file. Online Journal of Citation Information 4, no. 7 (2006): 82-5. Accessed November 20, 2012.
- Conclude with the URL. Type a period at the end.
- Doe, Jane. "Interesting Citation Article.” PDF file. Online Journal of Citation Information 4, no. 7 (2006): 82-5. Accessed November 20, 2012. http://www.random-example-URL.com.
Edit Related wikiHows
- How to Cite a Quote
- How to Cite a Website Using MLA Format
- How to Cite a Textbook
- How to Cite a Book APA
- How to Cite Lecture Notes
EditSources and Citations
28 de junio de 2013
How to Freeze Eggplant -
Eggplant can be frozen if you intend to cook it after thawing it out. To freeze eggplant, you need to clean it, cut it into slices, and blanch it before placing it in the freezer. Alternatively, you can also freeze baked eggplant or slices of eggplant parmesan. Here's how to do it.
Edit Steps
Part One: Preparing the Eggplant
- Select a fresh eggplant. The fresher an eggplant is, the better it will hold up after being frozen.
- Any eggplant you freeze should be ripe and the seeds should not yet be fully mature. Look for eggplants that have a uniformly dark hue.
- Do not use eggplants that have soft spots or mismatched patches of color.
- Traditional black varieties tend to break down less in the freezer than purple Chinese and Thai varieties, but all types can technically be frozen for later use. Just be aware of the fact that the flesh will become softer after being frozen, but this is not usually an issue if you plan on cooking the eggplant after thawing it.
- If you are unable to freeze the eggplant immediately, store it in the refrigerator until you are ready. The sooner you can freeze an eggplant after harvesting it, though, the better.
- Wash the eggplant. Rinse the eggplant under cold running water, scrubbing it gently with your fingers to remove dirt and residue.
- If you harvested the eggplant from your own garden and have a hard time removing the dirt, you may scrub it gently with a vegetable brush.
- Cut the eggplant into slices. The eggplant should be separated into 1/3-inch (8.5-mm) thick skinless slices.
- Use a sharp knife to cut off 1/4-inch (6.35-mm) from the top and bottom of the eggplant.
- Use a vegetable peeler to remove the skin. Stand the eggplant on one of its newly cut flat ends and peel the vegetable from top to bottom.
- Use a sharp knife to cut the remaining eggplant into slices that measure about 1/3-inch (8.5-mm) each.
- Work quickly, and only cut as much eggplant as you are able to blanch at a time. Cut eggplant will begin to discolor after 30 minutes.
- Use a sharp knife to cut off 1/4-inch (6.35-mm) from the top and bottom of the eggplant.
Part Two: Blanching the Eggplant
- Boil water in a large stockpot. Roughly 2/3 of the pot should be filled with water. Set it to boiling on the stove over high heat.
- Give the water ample time to reach a rolling boil.
- Make sure that your pot is large enough to fit all the eggplant you've already cut up. You can blanch the eggplant in batches if you do not have any stockpots large enough to fit all your eggplants, but you should only cut up as much eggplant at a time as you can blanch in one batch.
- Add lemon juice to the boiling water. Pour 1/2 cup (125 ml) of lemon juice into the water for every 1 gallon (4 liters) of water used.[1]
- The lemon juice prevents the eggplant from discoloring and does not dramatically affect the taste of the eggplant.
- Prepare a large bowl of ice water. The bowl of water should be about as large as the stockpot used to blanch the eggplants.
- Use a tray or more of ice to make sure that the water is plenty cold.
- Make sure that the cold water is ready before you begin blanching the eggplant.
- Blanch the eggplant. Place the eggplant slices in the boiling water and blanch them for 4 minutes.
- Blanching destroys enzymes in the eggplant that cause the vegetable to break down over time. If you do not blanch the eggplant, it will begin losing nutritional value, color, and flavor within a month, even if you freeze it.
- You can safely use the same water to blanch multiple batches of eggplant up to five times. You may need to add more water and lemon juice as the water level dips, however.
- Quickly transfer the eggplant to the ice water. As soon as the eggplant has been blanched, use a slotted spoon to remove the slices from the boiling water and dunk them into the ice water.
- By rapidly cooling the eggplant, you stop the cooking process.
- Allow the eggplant slices to sit in the ice water 4 to 5 minutes or until cold to the touch.
- Add more ice and water to the bowl as necessary to maintain the right temperature.
- Drain the eggplant slices. Remove them from the ice water with a slotted spoon and drain them in a colander or on several layers of clean paper towels.
Part Three: Freezing the Eggplant
- Place the eggplant slices in a freezer-safe container. You can either use a freezer-safe plastic resealable bag or a freezer-safe plastic container.
- If packing the eggplant in freezer-safe plastic bags, remove as much air as possible from the bag to prevent freezer burn. Vacuum sealed bags are the best option, but you can still use standard resealable plastic bags as long as they are approved for freezer use.
- If packing the eggplant in freezer-safe plastic containers, leave at least 1/2-inch (1.27-cm) empty headspace at the top of the container. This extra space allows the eggplant room to expand as it freezes.
- Glass containers are not recommended for freezer use.
- Label the bag or container with the current date so that you will know, in the future, how long your batch of eggplant has been sitting in the freezer.
- Separate slices with plastic wrap or freezer wrap, if desired.[2] If you plan on using the eggplant slices separately in the future, you should layer well-drained slices with alternating layers of plastic wrap or freezer paper.
- This step is only optional, but if you do not take this precaution, the slices will stick together upon freezing.
- Freeze until ready to use. Typically, frozen eggplant stays good for about 9 months.
- Vacuum-sealed eggplant that is deep frozen will will retain its quality for about 14 months.
Part Four: Alternative Methods
- Bake the eggplant before freezing it. Another way to freeze eggplant is in pre-cooked form.[3]
- Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (204 degrees Celsius). Prepare a shallow baking sheet by covering it with aluminum foil.
- Use a fork to prick the eggplant multiple times. Pricking the eggplant prevents pressure from building up inside of it as it bakes. The more holes you create, the safer it will be.
- Roast the eggplant 30 to 60 minutes. The eggplant is ready once it begins to collapse inside the oven. Smaller eggplants will only take 30 minutes, but larger ones may take up to an hour.
- Scoop out the flesh. When the eggplant is cool to the touch, cut it open lengthwise using a knife. Use a metal spoon to dig out the flesh.
- Pack the flesh into airtight containers. Leave 1/2-inch (1.27-cm) headspace in each container.
- Freeze up to 12 months.
- Prepare slices for eggplant parmesan. If you plan on using the eggplant for eggplant parmesan, you can coat the eggplant slices in breadcrumbs and freeze without baking it.
- Wash and slice the eggplant as you would if freezing plain, blanched slices.
- Dip each slice in milk, beaten egg, or frying batter.
- Coat the slices in a mixture of seasoned bread crumbs. The bread crumbs can be seasoned with Italian herbs, Parmesan cheese, or left as plain, dry bread crumbs.
- Wrap the slices in wax paper. Instead of merely layering the slices between pieces of plastic wrap, make sure that each breaded slice is completely wrapped in its own sheet of wax paper.
- Freeze up to 6 months.
- To use, thaw the slices in the refrigerator and bake or fry them as you usually would.
Edit Things You'll Need
- Sharp kitchen knife
- Vegetable peeler
- Vegetable brush
- Large stockpot
- Large bowl
- Freezer-safe container or bag
- Plastic wrap or freezer wrap
- Baking sheet
- Aluminum foil
- Fork
- Oven mitts
- Wax paper
Edit Sources and Citations
How to Bake Pork Chops -
Baked pork chops are succulent and juicy when prepared properly. The trick is to coat and bread them thoroughly and to keep them covered while they bake.
Edit Ingredients
- Servings: 6
- Prep time: 15 minutes
- Cook time: 90 minutes
- 6 center cut boneless pork chops
- 1 tsp. (4.7 g) garlic powder
- Salt and pepper to taste (1 tsp. (4.7 g) each is recommended)
- 2 eggs, beaten
- 1/4 cup (30 g) flour
- Dash of cayenne pepper
- 2 cups (240 g) bread crumbs
- 4 tbsp. (60 ml) olive oil
- 1 small can condensed cream of mushroom or cream of celery soup
- 1/2 cup (118 ml) milk
- 1/3 cup (79 ml) white wine
Edit Steps
Prepare the Pork Chops
- Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C).
- Begin heating the oil in a medium to large skillet over medium heat.
- Rinse the pork chops and pat them dry with a paper towel.
- Set out 3 shallow bowls or dishes.
- Combine the flour and seasonings in 1 bowl.
- Put the beaten eggs into another bowl.
- Pour the bread crumbs into the 3rd bowl. (Line the 3 bowls up on your counter top left to right)
- Dredge (coat) the pork chops in the seasoned flour.
- Dip the coated pork chops in the egg.
- Coat the chops with the bread crumbs. Be sure to thoroughly cover each chop with the crumbs.
Brown and Bake the Pork Chops
- Raise the heat to medium high under the skillet. The chops will brown faster and the quick searing will help seal in the juices.
- Brown the coated pork chops in the skillet until they are crispy. (About 5 minutes on each side.)
- Transfer the chops to a 9x13” (23 x 33 cm) oven proof baking dish.
- Arrange the chops so that they are not overlapping or touching each other.
- Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil. (This will keep the chops from burning as well as keep them moist.)
- Bake for 1 hour.
Prepare the Cream Sauce
- Combine the soup, milk and wine in a medium bowl.
- Whisk together the sauce ingredients until the mixture is smooth and lump-free.
- Remove the baking dish from the oven and remove the foil covering.
- Pour the cream sauce over the chops so that all 6 chops are evenly coated.
- Replace the foil and return the chops to the oven.
- Continue baking for another 30 minutes.
Edit Video
Edit Tips
- Sauté fresh mushrooms and onions while you brown the chops. Add them to the cream sauce before you pour the sauce over the baked pork chops.
- Keep the pork chops tightly wrapped or covered in the refrigerator until you are ready to prepare them so that the meat does not dry out.
Edit Warnings
- The total baking time will depend on how long you brown the chops in the skillet. Check the pork chops for doneness after 40 minutes in the oven, and check them again after you have added the sauce and returned the pan to the oven. (Insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part of the chop; the meat is done when the temperature is 145°F.[1]
Edit Things You’ll Need
- 3 small bowls or shallow dishes
- Medium skillet
- 9x13” (23 x 33 cm) oven proof baking dish
- Aluminum foil
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- How to Make Baked Pork Chops With Apple Cranberry Sauce
- How to Cook a Pork Chop Using Worcestershire Sauce
- How to Make a Grilled Pork Chop Al Manuel
Edit Sources and Citations