31 de enero de 2013

How to Cure a Stomach Ache

When you feel a stomach ache coming on, it's hard to take your mind off of the pain and go on with your day. No matter what's causing the problem, you want it to go away fast. Put everything on hold for a little while and take care of yourself. If your stomach is bothering you, try some of these steps to get some relief.

Edit Steps

Part 1: When You First Notice Your Stomach Ache

  1. Stop eating for a couple of hours to see if your stomach ache goes away. Lie down on your bed or on your couch, and put a pillow under your feet so that your feet are higher than your head. Close your eyes and try to relax.

  2. Slowly start drinking clear liquids to see if your stomach can handle them.

    • Suck on some ice chips or take tiny sips of water. If the water makes your stomach ache worse, then stop drinking it.[1]

    • Make some herbal tea that has peppermint in it. Peppermint calms the muscles in your stomach allowing your body to more easily and painlessly digest food. However, some people find that peppermint makes it worse,(especially if you are allergic to it!) so make sure you can handle it. [2]

    • Sip some clear chicken broth. If you have it on hand, drink broth that is low in sodium. You want the liquid to be as bland as possible so that it doesn't end up making things worse.[3]

  3. Try ginger to reduce nausea. Multiple studies have shown ginger can help calm nausea.[4]

    • Take some ginger root capsules, which you can buy at a drugstore or at the supermarket. The dose is 2 ginger capsules (1 gram) 3 times daily.

    • Grind some fresh ginger in hot water and mix it with honey to make ginger tea. Recommended dosage is 2-4 grams of fresh ginger, but only 1 gram for pregnant women. [5]

  4. Take an antacid. Something like Tums or Milk of Magnesia can go a long way toward making your stomach feel better.

  5. Get plenty of rest. It's okay to put other areas of your life on hold when you're not feeling well. You especially need to rest if you end up vomiting or having diarrhea along with your stomach pain.[6]

Part 2: If You Start Having Stomach Cramps

  1. Put a heating pad over your stomach so that the heat can relax the pain away. If you don't have a heating pad, then take a warm bath to try to relax your stomach.

  2. Avoid eating or drinking dairy products for a while. If you notice a big improvement in your stomach cramping, then you may be allergic to dairy, or you may be lactose intolerant. [7]

  3. Skip vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower or beans if you are feeling cramped and bloated. Also, skip salt, which can make you retain water.[8]

  4. Look for an over-the-counter gas remedy that contains the ingredient simethicone. If you are experiencing gas, belching or bloating, a medication like this can help to make your symptoms go away.

Part 3: If You're Having Heartburn or Indigestion Regularly

  1. Avoid eating late at night. When you eat at a late hour, the digestive juices can flow up from your stomach into your esophagus when you lie down to go to sleep.[9]

  2. Drink a glass of milk if you're okay with dairy. Milk helps to neutralize the excess stomach acid that can cause you to experience heartburn and reflux.[10]

  3. Ask your doctor about H-2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) or proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). A lot of these medications, like Prilosec and Prevacid, are available over-the-counter. They don't neutralize stomach aches as fast as an antacid does, but they tend to work longer once they kick in.[11]

Part 4: Prevent Future Stomach Aches

  1. Manage your stress. You may get stomach aches more often if you're under stress.

    • Stretch slowly and focus on your breathing. This simple relaxation technique will reduce your odds of future stomach pain.[12]

    • Try to manage your stress through exercise or meditation.

    • Listen to music that makes you feel calm, or find something to do that puts you in a better frame of mind.

  2. Change the way that you eat and drink.

    • Eat smaller meals, and eat more often. Try bland foods like saltines or foods that contain a lot of water like celery or carrots. You can also try the BRAT diet: bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.

    • Avoid foods that can trigger a stomach ache. For example, skip foods that are spicy or foods that contain a lot of fat. Caffeine, alcohol and carbonated beverages can also aggravate your stomach.

    • If you're not sure which foods are upsetting your stomach, try cutting out 1 food at a time. For instance, go for a week without dairy and see if your stomach aches go away. If cutting that food doesn't work, then cut something else until you find the culprit.

    • Keep a food diary and write down everything that you eat for a while. In your food diary, write down the days that you get a stomach ache. After a while, you may notice a pattern, and you'll know what foods to avoid.

  3. Manage your weight. When you carry extra pounds around your mid-section, your stomach gets pushed upward and acid backs up into your esophagus. To lose weight, get some regular exercise, and cook healthily.

  4. Skip aspirin and ibuprofen when you have headaches or muscle aches. Both of these medicines can irritate your stomach. Take something gentler like acetaminophen instead.[13]

Edit Tips

  • Avoid sharing your utensils, plates or glasses if you are vomiting. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly and to clean any surfaces and bedding that come into contact with vomit.

  • For children who have nausea and vomiting, especially after taking an antibiotic, re-hydration is key. Make sure that they drink water as they recover. Give them organic yogurt to help repopulate healthy intestinal bacteria.

  • Stick to eating yogurt with live active cultures if you can tolerate dairy. The healthy bacteria will help to regulate your whole digestive system.

  • Take ibuprofen 12 to 24 hours before your period. Your system can go haywire around the time of your period, causing you to get not only menstrual cramps but also upset stomach and diarrhea.[14]

  • Have something minty to eat and concentrate on something else.

  • Don't think about it so much.

  • Eat peppermint.

  • Try to lay in your stomach for a while, as this may help relieve some of the pain. This is easier if you are regularly a stomach sleeper.

  • Drink tea.

  • Shredded apple might help you.

  • Focus on breathing and try not to think about the pain. Deep breaths in and deep breaths out focus is the main key.

  • If it comes to the point of you might throw up, keep a trash bag or trash can near your bed, even if you think you can make it to the bathroom in time.

  • Drink Coca-Cola. It helps the food digest with the gases. You may feel your tummy start to grumble a bit, but that's okay, it is just the Coke that is working in your stomach

  • If you feel gas needing to come out, let it out. This might even be the problem and make your stomach feel better.

Edit Warnings

  • Call 911 if your stomach ache is associated with a recent injury or if you feel pain and pressure in your chest.

  • Many people get stomach aches when they travel overseas. Before you travel internationally, get a vaccination against rotavirus if it's available in your country. Also, be careful to drink only bottled water, to only brush your teeth with bottled water, and to avoid ice that could be made with contaminated water. Skip raw foods like peeled fruit and salad that other people touch with their hands.

  • Make sure that you eat meat and fish that is fully cooked. If you don't cook it to a high enough internal temperature, then you won't kill harmful organisms that may be living in the meat. Eating undercooked food can give you a nasty case of food poisoning.

  • Drinking a soda like Sprite or ginger ale has long been considered a home remedy for a stomach ache. Unfortunately, there is no medical evidence that it helps ease the pain. In fact, sodas lack electrolytes you lose may lose from stomach illness. Therefore, if you are going to chose a sugary beverage, try a sports drink or a re-hydration formula. [15]

  • Have someone take you to an emergency room if you are in so much pain that you either can't sit still, or you need to curl into a ball for relief. Also, go to the emergency room if you stomach is swollen or tender, if your skin is yellow, if you have bloody vomit or stools or if your nausea and vomiting continue for multiple days.[16]

EditThings You'll Need

  • Ice chips or water

  • Herbal tea with peppermint

  • Ginger ale

  • Clear chicken broth

  • Ginger root capsules

  • Ginger, honey and hot water (for ginger tea)

  • Heating pad

  • Ibuprofen

  • Yogurt with live active cultures

  • Simethicone gas medicine

  • Antacid

  • H2RAs

  • Milk

  • Pepto Bismol

  • Coca-Cola

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EditSources and Citations

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How to Make Crepes Supreme with Nutella

Crepes can be either savory or sweet. The following recipe uses Nutella (a chocolate hazelnut spread) as the filling, although any other sweet filling will also work with this recipe: sweetened fresh fruit, jam, or custard.

Edit Ingredients

  • 1 1/8 cups flour

  • 1 tbsp sugar

  • pinch salt

  • 3 eggs, beaten

  • 1 1/2 cups milk

  • 1 tbsp butter, melted and cooled

  • 1 tbsp brandy

  • Nutella

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence

Edit Steps

  1. Whisk together the flour, sugar and salt.

  2. In a separate bowl, beat together eggs and milk.

  3. Add the egg mixture to the dry ingredients.

  4. Stir until batter is smooth.

  5. Fold in melted butter and brandy.

  6. Let batter rest for 2 hours in the refrigerator.

  7. Heat a 5 to 6-inch round skillet or frying pan over medium-low to medium heat until very hot.

  8. Spray pan with nonstick cooking spray. Remove the pan from the flame and add a dab of butter. The butter should sizzle when it hits the pan. Quickly rotate the pan to distribute the butter.

  9. Add a tablespoon or two of batter. Quickly rotate the pan to cover the pan bottom with the crepe batter.

  10. Return the pan to the flame and cook until the top of the crepe looks dry and the underside is light golden.

  11. Flip the crepe and cook for a few seconds more. The underside does not need to be browned, but it should be dry. Some cooks omit this step, and if a cook decides to do this, make sure the top side of the crepe is thoroughly cooked. It will be dry and golden brown in spots.

  12. Immediately flip the crepe out of the pan and onto a plate.

  13. Stack the crepes between squares of waxed paper.

  14. Continue cooking until all the batter is used up.

  15. Crepes can be kept warm on a wire rack, placed on a baking sheet, and tucked inside a 250 degrees F oven.

  16. Lay a crepe on a dessert plate. Add a good spoonful of Nutella to the flat crepe.

  17. Roll up crepe into a cigar shape. Press crepe gently to evenly distribute the Nutella filling, if desired.

  18. Serve with a dollop of freshly whipped cream sweetened with a bit of sugar and flavored with vanilla or brandy, if desired.

  19. Finished.

Edit Video

Edit Tips

  • You can make the crepe batter ahead and then chill it in the refrigerator overnight. This way can make fresh, hot crepes for breakfast or brunch the next morning with the minimum prep time.

  • If dexterous enough, cook crepes using two small pans. The process goes much faster.

  • Once the pan is thoroughly heated, the crepes will cook very quickly, making a fast breakfast.

  • A Corningware Minuette 6-inch pan makes wonderful crepes. The ceramic pan is a bit slower to heat but offer excellent heat retention. Spray the pan with nonstick cooking spray to prevent the crepes from sticking.

  • Crepes Suzette is similar famous French dessert using orange juice, Grand Marnier and sugar.

Edit Warnings

  • If you use your fingertips to remove the crepe, or to flip it over, be sure to use care. You can be burned. Use a spatula to flip them over to be safe.

Edit Things You'll Need

  • Small skillet or frying pan, 5 to 6-inches.

  • Spatula

  • Mixer

  • Waxed paper

  • Plate

  • Mixing bowl or batter bowl

  • Measuring cups

  • Measuring spoons

  • Spoon

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Edit Sources and Citations

  • Recipe adapted from the The Gourmet Cookbook Volume 1.

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30 de enero de 2013

Nexus 4: Disponible hoy a las 16:00 en España – Guía para sobrevivir a su compra


Ayer ya lo anunciábamos los primeros. Algo iba a pasar en Google Play, algo con los Nexus 4. Después de aguantar apenas unos minutos a la venta el día de su lanzamiento, el stock se desvaneció, y hasta ahora, no se ha sabido más de ellos. Hoy, por fin a las 16:00 horas horario español peninsular, volverá a ponerse a la venta el Nexus 4 , los modelos de 8 y 16GB, así lo apuntan todas las fuentes.

  • Los envíos se estima que tarden entre una y dos semanas (así de poco concreto) tiempo en el que no te cobrarán el cargo en la tarjeta, sólo en el momento en el que el paquete sea expedido, así que tranquilo.

  • Los que se preguntan si merece la pena comprarlo, bien porque ya tienes unos meses de vida y en la tecnología puntera eso es un mundo, bien porque el Mobile World Congress está a la vuelta de la esquina con nuevos terminales muy interesantes esperando, o bien porque habéis leído de rumores acerca de un nuevo Nexus de Motorola para dentro de poco, la respuesta, es SI, merece la pena con total seguridad, garantía y rotundidad.

  • Porque un Nexus no es como un terminal cualquiera, el MWC no representa una amenaza para decidir la compra de un Nexus. Porque el hardware que monten los rivales presentados no será mucho mejor, sólo “algo mejor”. Porque el Nexus 4 sigue siendo el mejor móvil que estoy probando actualmente. Porque no habrá un próximo Nexus smartphone antes de Noviembre, como mucho, en Mayo de 2013 podremos ver una rebaja del precio de los actuales, pero nada más.

  • Para estar completamente preparado para compra a las 16:00 lo mejor que puedes hacer si aún no lo tienes, es tener preparada y activa tu cuenta de Google Checkout, que es la pasarela de pago que usará Google para cobrarte el Nexus.

  • No te preocupes ni te pongas nervioso por tener que estar pendiente cuando sale a la venta, si es a las 16.00 oa las 16.09 (nunca se sabe cuanto va a durar el stock esta vez, puede que una hora, un día o 10) Nosotros os avisaremos puntualmente, tanto en el blog, como en nuestro twitter, Facebook, Google plus, y si eso no es suficiente, usa esta aplicación.

Eso es todo, así que ya sabéis. Los Nexus nos esperan, por fin. Os dejo con la review que hicimos para los que tengan dudas

P.D: Para el que aún pueda y quiera aguantar las ganas y le guste el blanco, al parecer habrá un modelo de este color, así lo refleja una imagen filtrada que nos dejan en Phonearena. Su fecha de llegada es una incógnita, pero a más de uno le hará morderse los dedos hoy para no comprar uno y esperar a este Nexus 4 blanco “copitodenieve”


El artículo Nexus 4: Disponible hoy a las 16:00 en España – Guía para sobrevivir a su compra se publicó en El Androide Libre (El Blog Android de referencia. Aplicaciones, noticias, Juegos y smartphones Android Libres)

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Escribe Operaciones Matemáticas Sobre la Pantalla: MyScript Calculator

Si eres de los que usa habitualmente la calculadora, si lo tuyo es las matemáticas o necesitas resolver difíciles operaciones de cálculo; te presentamos MyScript Calculator, una aplicación en la que podrás escribir en la pantalla táctil de tu dispositivo móvil cualquier operación matemática y rápidamente será leída, reconocida, interpretada y resuelta.

De manera intuitiva MyScript Calculator reconoce la escritura que realizas en la pantalla táctil (usando el dedo o el lápiz), ya sean números o símbolos matemáticos, para que inmediatamente la operación sea resuelta. Dile adiós al papel y boli y resuelve fácilmente.

Características de MyScript Calculator

  • Funciona tanto con smartphones Android como en tabletas Android. (En pantalla táctil con el dedo o con el lápiz en el caso de las tabletas).

  • Acepta la escritura de cualquier fórmula aritmética.

  • Escribe de manera sencilla, intuitiva y natural. Sin el uso del teclado.

  • Gestos para borrar fácilmente y rápidamente los símbolos y números.

  • Orientación vertical y horizontal.

  • Funciones: rehacer y deshacer.

Operaciones matemáticas que soporta:

  • Operaciones básicas: +, -, x, ÷, +/-, 1/x

  • Operaciones diversas: %, √, x!, |x|

  • Potencias/exponenciales: ℯx, xy , x2

  • Paréntesis: ( )

  • Trigonometría: cos, sen, tan

  • Trigonometría inversa: acos, asen, atan

  • Logaritmos: ln , log

  • Constantes: π, ℯ, Phi

Descargar MyScript Calculator

MyScript Calculator es la forma más rápida y sencilla para resolver operaciones matemáticas. Olvídate del teclado, o del papel y bolígrafo, y resuelve todo en instantes.

MyScript Calculator es una aplicación gratuita, y es compatible para toda clase de dispositivos móviles Android 2.1 y versiones posteriores.

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XBMC 12 ‘Frodo’ disponible con soporte para Android y Raspberry Pi

xbmc 12 frodo

Ya está aquí la versión número 12 de XBMC, llamada ‘Frodo’ y que ha llegado con una buena cantidad de novedades en casi todos los frentes, comenzando por el soporte para la reproducción de audio en calidad HD y también para una cantidad mayor de plataformas con la mejora de características en su versión para Android, y la llegada de soporte para Mac OS X de 64 bits y Raspberry Pi.

Respecto al audio en calidad HD ahora se pueden reproducir archivos cuyo formato de salida de audio sea Dolby Tru-HD y DTS-MA, aunque esto se encuentra disponible más que nada en las versiones para Windows y Linux, mietras que en iOS y Mac OS X todavía no se lo podrá aprovechar.

El soporte para Android es muy bueno pese a ser catalogado por los desarrolladores como ‘inicial’, y permite la reproducción de contenidos en calidad HD cuando sus capacidades de hardware así lo permitan, ya que hay que recordar que la gama de dispositivos que hay en la plataforma móvil de Google es muy grande y en algunos casos estos no son exactamente tope de gama. Eso si, quienes quieran probar XBMC 12 en Android deberán descargar la aplicación desde el sitio oficial del proyecto ya que todavía no ha hecho su arribo a Play Store.

Otra novedad, y muy importante, es la del soporte mejorado para AirPlay en todas las plataformas en que se encuentra disponible -incluyendo Windows- de manera que se abre la puerta para la distribución de contenidos y entretenimiento en forma rápida y segura en el hogar. También llega el soporte para Live TV y para la decodificación de vídeo en formato h.264 de 10 bits (también conocido como Hi10P), muy utilizado en el anime, y se ha mejorado el soporte para controles remotos y para la compartición a través de UPnP.

Via Blog de XBMC

Descarga XBMC 12 Frodo

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