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27 de febrero de 2013
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25 de febrero de 2013
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22 de febrero de 2013
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21 de febrero de 2013
Asesor industrial - CONFIDENCIAL - Bogotá, Cundinamarca
De Universia - 20 Feb 2013 22:59:28 GMT - Ver todos: empleos en Bogotá
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20 de febrero de 2013
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11 de febrero de 2013
Ingeniero de sistemas - DIIT CONSULTORES - Bogotá, Cundinamarca
De Universia - 30 Jan 2013 22:08:28 GMT - Ver todos: empleos en Bogotá
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First Mega search engine online, won’t be the last
Mega, the new Megaupload file hosting site, has received a lot of attention from the press in the recent year ever since Megaupload was taken down by the authorities. At its core, it is a file hosting site like many others with the main difference that files get encrypted and decrypted on the local system so that Mega does not know what is hosted on its servers.
Most file hosting sites do not offer file search capabilities that let users search all publicly shared files on their servers, and even if Mega wanted, it could not offer that feature because of the encryption. This leaves third party sites for that and one of the first has just been been released.
Mega Search displays a list of files right on its start page. Each file is listed with its name, size, hits, ratio, date it has been added to the search engine’s database and up and down votes. The database seems to contain more than 7800 files right now which is not a lot considering that search engines for other file hosting sites offer hundreds of thousands of links to files hosted on these sites.
Still, for a relatively new service it is definitely a large enough number. When you look at the files offered on the start page, you will notice that many seem to be of questionable origin. From popular TV show episodes to music and applications, it is all listed here. Category listings on the left allow you to filter results by type. This includes videos, music, applications or disk images.
A click on a file opens the Mega website from where the file can be downloaded to the local system or imported into another Mega account.
The search engine furthermore offers capabilities to add links to it and to report infringement. If you’d go by that, a lot of files would probably have to be taken down immediately.
How long will the search engine be up? That depends on a number of factors, including the country it is hosted in and the legal system of that country. Some file search engines have been online for a long time and since they only link to contents but do not host any directly, it is possible that there are no legal grounds to get the site removed from the Internet.
It could be more problematic for Mega on the other hand as it could provide rights owners with evidence that the site is being used to trade copyrighted files.
The post First Mega search engine online, won’t be the last appeared first on gHacks Technology News | Latest Tech News, Software And Tutorials.
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Cómo instalar todo tipo de temas y estilos visuales en Windows 8
Desde hace bastantes versiones, creo recordar que desde Windows XP aunque con Windows 2000 también podíamos incluir personalizaciones, la instalación de temas no-firmados es una realidad gracias al famoso uxtheme.dll, un archivo que una vez modificado nos permitía liberar el potencíal gráfico en la interfaz del sistema de Microsoft.
Los pasos a seguir dependían de el sistema y de su versión concreta incluyendo actualizaciones, y, para sorpresa de todos, esto sigue sucediendo con Windows 8, donde afortunadamente y pese a tener en mi opinión una interfaz bastante atractiva, también podemos instalar temas personalizados incluso aunque no sean oficiales y no esten firmados. Lo hacemos gracias a UxStyle, una utilidad que esta aun en fase experimental pero que parece dar buenos resultados.
La tagline es se acabaron los parches manuales, es decir, no tendremos que parchear las librerías del sistema dependiendo del tema. Disponible para Windows 8 y también para Windows 7 con Service Pack 1, todos los temas que incluyamos en la carpeta C:\Windows\Resources\Themes podrán ser aplicados al utilizar el archivo .theme o desde el panel de personalización de Windows.
¿Donde encontrar temas? En ghacks, donde encuentro la utilidad, nos dan algunas ideas, y Windows 8 Themes puede ser una buena opción para encontrar temas y estilos visuales diferentes que den una apariencia nueva al sistema.
La entrada Cómo instalar todo tipo de temas y estilos visuales en Windows 8 aparece primero en Bitelia.
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Minerva Project. El nuevo modelo de educación virtual para la élite intelectual
La educación universitaria de alto perfil también quiere tener un referente adecuado dentro del ecosistema educativo online. Minerva Project es una startup norteamericana que pretende brindarle a los mejores estudiantes del mundo una plataforma única de aprendizaje en la Web, superior a cualquier universidad tradicional.
Mientras la mayor parte de la discusión sobre educación virtual está dedicada al acceso global o la necesidad de formalizar dicho aprendizaje para que sea valedero en cualquier ámbito, este proyecto le apunta a un grupo bastante selecto.
Investigación académica al rescate
Acceder a una “buena” universidad es bastante costoso, de hecho para la mayoría de nosotros pensar en irse a estudiar fuera depende casi exclusivamente de una beca. No basta con pasar los exámenes de ingreso, aunque los patrocinios estatales y los préstamos bancarios existen, dormirse pensando en la deuda pendiente es una situación bastante común.
Minerva Project quiere dejar claro el respaldo económico para sus estudiantes. A través del “Institute for Research and Scholarship” (organización sin ánimo de lucro), buscará atraer soporte financiero directo para los programas académicos y la investigación.
Un incentivo adicional del instituto, es que se le permitirá a los estudiantes y profesores quedarse con los derechos de propiedad intelectual de los productos desarrollados.
Un modelo financiero diferente
Después de lograr 25 millones de dólares el año pasado en capital de riesgo y contar dentro de su administración con el ex senador y ahora gobernador del estado de Nebraska Bob Kerrey, el desafío continúa cuando se trata de retener e incrementar dicho capital para sostener la promesa de bajo costo y exclusividad.
Minerva incluso renunció al patrocinio federal de Estados Unidos, Ben Nelson fundador y CEO dijo al respecto en una entrevista para Gigaom que este soporte solo eleva los precios de las matrículas y restringe la construcción de las políticas de admisión.
Además se espera que la mayoría de alumnos sean internacionales, el volumen de beneficiados por programas del Gobierno norteamericano sería muy bajo.
Perfeccionar el intelecto digital
Distinto al afán de muchos establecimientos de educación superior por tener contenido en los MOOCs, Minerva Project asume el reto de crear a partir de 2015 los futuros líderes del planeta en un entorno totalmente digital, sin hojas de asistencia que firmar y la posibilidad de interactuar con sus compañeros viviendo en uno de los siete países que elija (aún se desconocen).
La figura mítica romana de la sabiduría también quiere hacer parte de la Web. ¿Conseguirá establecerse e innovar el mercado élite educativo?
Dany Correa para Maestros del Web.
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CircuitHub: Todos los componentes electrónicos en un solo lugar
CircuitHub: Todos los componentes electrónicos en un solo lugar
Elegir el título apropiado para este artículo fue algo complejo en función de que en esta oportunidad, no es sencillo resumir en pocas palabras tanta utilidad para el desarrollador electrónico. Intentémoslo aquí: CircuitHub es un sitio web que permite almacenar en la nube y hasta sincronizar con tu Dropbox, millones de hojas de datos, librerías de componentes y “footprints” para PCB. El material disponible es apto para usar con Orcad, Altium, Eagle, Kicad y muchos otros programas de diseño. Además de ser un espacio gratuito, donde puedes colaborar agregando tus librerías, CircuitHub es un emprendimiento avalado por importantes compañías. Gracias a esto, no será de extrañar que en poco tiempo pase a ser un estándar dentro del mundo del desarrollo electrónico. Descúbrelo en este artículo.
Ver articulo completo: CircuitHub: Todos los componentes electrónicos en un solo lugar
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PrestaShop: Cómo instalar la tienda virtual
PrestaShop: Cómo instalar la tienda virtual
En esta guía vamos a desarrollar los conocimientos para instalar PrestaShop en tu servidor. Para los que desconocen que es PrestaShop, les decimos que es una herramienta que nos ofrece una solución de comercio electrónico a través de internet. Con PrestaShop tendrás todos los servicios necesarios para crear una tienda virtual potente, estable y segura.
Ver articulo completo: PrestaShop: Cómo instalar la tienda virtual
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30 Extraordinary Clock Designs
There’s not a single day we don’t look at clocks, watches or other time-dictating devices to track our daily activities. For years though, we have been conforming to traditional mechanical or digital clock designs without actually exploring the alternatives. Most of us are still used to clocks that comprise of the classic hour, minute and second hands against a square or circle clock face filled with 12-hour numerals.
Today, I will show you how some creative and unorthodox clock designs. Whilst some of them may not seem practical as a time-telling device, the key takeaway from these innovations is their ability to break away from what we have often considered the usual way to tell time.
Recommended Reading: 20 Alarm Clocks To Wake You Up Creatively
Binary Clock. A clock in binary code. Would you buy it? (Image Credit: Firebox)
Time Tuner. This radio tuner-inspired clock will bring a fresh new perspective on time. (Image Credit: Antrepo)
Around Clock. The concept of this rotating clock is based on the constant and subtle rotation of the globe and is thus a better representation of time than the common clock. (Image Credit: Anthony Dickens)
Canna by ChronArte. Like the sand in an hourglass concept, the individual tubes represent the hours of the day while the height to which each of time is filled by water shows you the minutes. (Image Credit: Heinz Mutter)
Recycled Sanyo Clock. This retro clock is made out of a recycled Sanyo turntable and is bound to be a conversation starter with guests around. (Image Credit: Allan Young)
Continue Time. Any idea how to tell the time for this one? (Hint: It’s 3:40:05) The minute hand is attached to the end of the hour hand, while the seconds hand is attached to the end of the minute hand. The result is a truly fluid clock that changes its shape constantly. (Image Credit: Sander Mulder)
Aspiral Kinetic Clock. As the clock face turns, the red ball within rolls slowly and tells you the time at the moment. (Image Credit: Will Aspinall & Neil Lambeth)
Decode Clock. The writins on the clockface are all gibberish until the hour hand passes each of them and decodes the hour for you. (Image Credit: Arthur Yung & Clement Cheung)
Domiuno Clock. Tell time with dominoes. (Image Credit: Carbon Design Group)
Digimech Clock. While the display is in digit form, it is not an LCD or LED display. Each of the digit is formed by a vertical slider which slowly move into a black decrypting box to reveal the time. (Image Credit: Duncan Shotton)
Good Afternoon Clock. Using beams of light as the hour, minute and second hand, this minimalistic clock aptly represents time as intangible and fleeting. (Image Credit: Mile Project)
Frivolo Black Wall Clock. This creative clock design says it all: Clock faces don’t always have to be in fixed shapes like squares or circles. After all, time is a boundless entity. (Image Credit: Calleadesign)
Sundial Clock. An interesting blend of traditional time-reading through sundials and modern-day analog clocks. Thee numbers on the clockface are all formed by shadows cast from the 3D digits. (Image Credit: Porro)
Handmade LED Clock. Very exquisite design that was handmade from scratch to create an old-school jukebox-like clock. (Image Credit: Barry Nijkeuter)
Hoos O’Clock. A clock that is (almost always) looking at you. (Image Credit: Zanzara)
Vacuum Tube Clock. Using vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) technology, time illuminates in neon-like bright lighting in this old-school vacuum tube clock. (Image Credit: Jason von Nieda)
Melting Clock for Shelf. Who says clocks need to be flat and upright? This ‘melting’ clock challenges such traditional notion and bring to life the clocks in the masterpiece of Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory. (Image Credit: Hilary Wiezbenski)
Mhin Clock. We’re so used to loading bars on our computer or mobile screens, so why not put them in clocks? (Image Credit: James Tobin)
Eyeclock. Don’t get paranoid and think that this pair of eyes are checking you out; they’re just telling you the time. Its cross-eyed look says 03:50. (Image Credit: Mike Mak)
Vague Clock. If you don’t like a clock that’s always showing you the time and pressuring your life, this vague clock will only provide the time when you press on it. (Image Credit: Sejoon Kim)
Normal Timepieces. In this cleverly designed clockpiece, the hour hand of this clock is actually a rectangular hole that exposes the time on the face. (Image Credit: Ross McBride)
Orolodiana. This minimalistic clock seemed to have borrowed its concept from a volume knob. As you would’ve guessed, the outer ring shows you the hour while the inner circle with the thinner black stripe across shows you the minute. (Image Credit: Enrico Pandolfini)
Atom Clock. Specially designed to resemble the the atomic planetary model, this clock stands apart from typical squarish or circular clocks. (Image Credit: Arti & Mestieri)
Empty Clock. An environmentally-friendly clock made only from bamboo and metal, and with only hands and no clock face. (Image Credit: Shuo Yang)
RollOClock. This looks a lot like another ‘loading bar’ clock, except there are two colors in this one. As the day progresses, the bar gets’ filled up’ displaying how much time you’ve left for the rest of the day. (Image Credit: Aleksey Belyalo v)
Segmentus Clock. This looks like an electromechanical scoreboard except that it works 24/7 to tell you the time. (Image Credit: Art Lebedev Studio)
Suede ‘Metal Mickey’ – Retro Redesigned. A very slick-looking retro wall clock made from Suede ‘Metal Mickey’ original 7" single is bound to take you back to the iconic Britpop era. (Image Credit: Amy Dolan)
Gear Clock. It’s always an awesome feeling to observe how individual gears fit together in complex ways to bring together a seemingly simple contraption to give you the time. (Image Credit: Invotis)
Spire. Can you even tell that this is a clock? Drawing inspiration from a Japanese folding fan, the hour and minute hand spiral while it unfolds and folds the blades as time ticks by. (Image Credit: Wireframe)
The Bent Hands. Instead of straight hands to give you the time, this clock has one long spiralling hand to tell you the time for different major cities at one go. (Image Credit: Giha Woo & Shingoeun)
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- Showcase of Wallpaper Clocks & Apps
- 30 Extraordinary Graffiti and Wall Paintings
- 20 Alarm Clocks To Wake You Up Creatively
- 35 Extraordinary “End of The World” Inspired Artworks
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