18 de junio de 2013

How to Make Lollipops -

Lollipops are pieces of candy on a stick. You hold the stick and lick, bite or suck the candy. Usually, they're made from candy glass, which is essentially melted sugar with some flavoring and food coloring added.

Edit Ingredients

  • 2 cups of sugar

  • 1 cup of water

  • 1/2 scant tsp. flavoring oil

  • 1 to 2 drops of food coloring

Edit Steps

  1. Use white granulated sugar, also known as ordinary table sugar. This looks like little crystals, not to be confused with "confectioner's sugar", which is used for cake toppings.

  2. Dissolve the sugar in the water and heat it over a stove, on low to medium heat. Stir it constantly so it doesn't burn.

  3. Add food coloring and flavoring when the sugar mixture has boiled. Do not wait until it has turned brown, or your lollipops will be awful tasting caramel!You may add lemon juice if you wish.

  4. Use a candy thermometer to tell when the sugar has reached the "hard crack" stage (this is between 300 and 310 degrees F). You can test this by dropping a bit of the melted sugar into a glass of cold water, where it should form a hard, brittle thread that cracks.

  5. Pour the melted sugar into molds. When it's cooled a little, add sticks.

  6. When the candy is completely cool, pop it out of the molds, and voila: lollipops.

  7. Finished.

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Edit Tips

  • When the candy is cool enough to touch you can mold it before it becomes rock hard.

Edit Warnings

  • Be extremely careful when handling melted sugar. It is very hot and can cause severe (third degree) burns.

  • Ask for adult supervision if you are under teen years.

Edit Things You'll Need

  • Sticks and molds

  • Food coloring (optional)

  • Food flavoring (optional)

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